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What else is there to report in connection with the work of ADH? Innovations on various topics relating to the activities of the association, its support and changes in the general situation on the ground are summarized in this category.

May 2024

Fire at the COLK orphanage

Gilbert informed us that the COLK orphanage had problems with their electric wiring, which caused the top floor, the boys rooms, to burn down. We sent some money via Madlen for the reconstruction. She also offered them to take their orphans for an educational camp she is organizing during the summer holidays in her orphanage.
Fire at the COLK orphanage
Apr 2024

Project on Plateau de Bateke is on hold

Since the area where we planned another project with Jean experiences tribal uprisings, we have to put this project on hold for now.
Project on Plateau de Bateke is on hold
Jan 2023

ADH has two new promising projects in the pipeline

Our plan for 2023 is to build two Vocational Training Centers in two different locations, fulfilling a long-time dream! We are planning to train young adults from each of these areas in a one-year course to learn a trade along the lines of agriculture, including animal husbandry, fish farming, beekeeping etc. At the end of their training, each graduate will receive a package with seeds, possibly a baby animal, and – thus equipped – will return to their village to open up their own workplace with what they have learned in our Centers. One project will be overseen by Jean who has been our local project manager since 2011. The Center will be located east of Kinshasa, on the Plateau de Bateke. The other project will be headed by Joseph, whom we have known since the beginning of our activities in the Congo in 2003. This Center will be located in Nsioni, almost 500 km west of Kinshasa, towards the Atlantic Ocean. Both men have done well with our recent microfinance projects, which gives us confidence that these two new projects should work out satisfactorily as well.
ADH has two new promising projects in the pipeline
Sep 2022

Summer trip to Germany

It was the first time since the Covid-19 crisis that Wolfgang was able to take a trip, mainly in Bavaria, to visit some of our supporters. As usual, he also called the ones he could not see. During this trip, he was able to give three interviews about our work in the Congo and his book “Change the World with Love”: Munich TV| Radio ERF Plus | RadioChico Switzerland | Lenka was able to give a lengthy interview with the magazine • Český Bratr (Czech Brother)
Summer trip to Germany
Jun 2022

Waiting for the state to take over the financing of school operations

Thanks to your faithful support, all the students in our Agro-Veterinary School in Mabala keep receiving their education and training. So far, the Congolese Ministry of Education does not pay any teachers in new secondary schools like ours. However, since we want to give our students the opportunity to attend our school free of charge, we continue to pay the teachers’ salaries ourselves. Once the state takes over with that, we can start another project. We appreciate your help so we can keep the school running and give the students a better chance for their future.
Waiting for the state to take over the financing of school operations
Dec 2021

Note on ADH's microfinance projects

Joseph made good progress in his work in Nsioni which is very encouraging to see how he invests the funds we gave him for this farming project. He made a gate for the farm, also built a boat for the fishponds and made a new channel to feed the ponds with water. ADH decided to start a new micro finance project with our local manager Jean. He needs support for vegetable seeds to make progress on his agricultural project on the Plateau de Bateke, East of Kinshasa.
Note on ADH's microfinance projects
Nov 2021

"Change the world with love" is finally in print

A big milestone has been the finalization and printing of our book. After years of writing “Change the World with Love” in three languages (German, English and Czech), months of proofreading and working together with our graphic designer, the books are finally printed and ready for distribution! We hope that this book, in addition to all the work we can do on the ground, will help the people of Congo make great progress at the national and international levels.
"Change the world with love" is finally in print
Sep 2021

ADH Annual Meeting 2021

On ADH’s yearly meeting – again online – we confirmed Lenka’s niece Tereza as a new association member. She has been helping us already since a while with the Instagram and other work she can do online and we are very happy to have another young person join our team.
ADH Annual Meeting 2021

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 According to the (2012) UN, Human Development Index, the Congo DRC ranks as having one of the lowest standard of living worldwide.

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