

‚Aktive Direkt Hilfe e.V.‘ is a small aid organization and therefore even more dependent on your active participation. There are many possibilities how you can help us and the people in the Congo.

Help us and start your own fundraising campaign!

We count on your support. Do you want to contribute and help the children in the Congo to get education? Then start your own fundraising campaign! You don’t know exactly how to do so? No problem:

Some supporters who have already organized and conducted campaigns illustrate how simple it is to collect donations with a little dedication, time and the help of some volunteers.

You could, for example, organize a cake sale, a charity run or a charity concert. There are other ways of course to collect donations. Just tell us about your ideas..

If you want to conduct a fundraising campaign, please inform ADH beforehand about your plans. We can then, if necessary, issue an official permit in advance in order to collect donations in our name. Furthermore, we can provide you with information material for visualization. With great pleasure we will then report about your campaign on our web site.

You will of course receive a donation receipt via mail. For great support we issue certificates for schools and associations upon request.

Help us to promote ADH!

As a small aid organization ADH can’t initiate big advertising campaigns. Therefore, we are even more dependent on your help.

Like you, your friends, acquaintances and colleagues would like to know what happens with their donations. Direct contact is very important for us. Upon request we inform our supporters on a regular basis about the development of our projects. Please tell the people around you about ADH.

Another possibility to help us lies in organizing:

The initiators of ADH Congo go annually on journeys to visit supporters. In these personal talks we can give more detailed information about the development of our projects. Through prior planning it is possible to arrange several additional appointments.

Help us to promote ADH Congo through the media (the web, newspapers, television and radio)! With active organizational support, lectures in schools, universities or other communal institutions could also be given.

Everyone can make his or her personal contribution for change. Help us to help.

Campaigns of our supporters

  • It All Adds Up
    It All Adds Up By Uwe Blotenberg: I celebrated my 70th birthday on August 30, 2011 with over fifty guests, enjoying food and drink, magic and many good conversations. My family and I support the initiatives of “Active Direct…
  • Children Run for Children
    Children Run for Children By Annette Schmidt: When thinking about our school festivities, the faculty of the Elementary School in Gerbach, Germany, deliberated the theme of this year’s festivity. At the same time, we considered how we could raise…

Donations via Paypal

Support us via a donation with PayPal.


Donation by bank transfer

Donation account of 'Aktive Direkt Hilfe e.V.'

IBAN DE 92 4401 0046 0298 0004 61
Postbank Dortmund

Address: Am Lerchenbuck 23 - D-79379 Müllheim

Information concerning your donation

You prefer to support our projects in Congo financially? We give important Information concerning your donation.


Get to know more

 ADH tries to counter the progressive urbanization in the Congo!

Our objective – to counter urbanization


If you want to subscribe to our newsletter, please send us a message.


Contact us

Do you have any questions or comments for us? Contact us directly! We appreciate your message and will try to answer you as soon as possible.

Contact us

Others about us

We asked some of our supporters: "Why do you support ADH "? We like to share their answers with you.

Others about us