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Responsibility for one’s own contents:
‘Aktive Direkt Hilfe e.V.’ is responsible for self-created and published content on this website. We constantly endeavor to ensure that the offered information is up-to-date, coherent and accurate. If necessary, maintenance of content was carried out. As many of the contents only express our subjective views and mistakes can never be totally ruled out, we are only liable for inaccurate contents, which we created and published with willful intent or in gross negligence.

Responsibility for external contents:
In accordance with the press law, responsibility for externally created and integrated content on this web presence is with the respective author. Relevant passages must show: names of the respective authors or other indication. Furthermore, as providers of this web appearance, we are not legally responsible (according to §§ 8-10 TMG) for integrated content by third-party. If a violation of the current law by integrated content by third-party comes to our knowledge, the content concerned will be excluded immediately from our website.

Liability for links:
This website includes links to external contents. Despite the fact, that we carefully select and check the contents, we assume no liability for the content of any linked web sites. The operators of any linked websites are exclusively responsible for their contents.

All contents, both the text and the graphics material, without explicit indication was self-made and therefore the copyrights belong to ‘Aktive Direkt Hilfe e.V.’. Integration of externally created content on this website takes in to account the respective authors’ copyrights.

Violation of protective rights:
If there is the assumption, that the present web appearance violates your protective rights, please get in touch with us by email or phone call. We will then take care of your request and, in the event of an actual violation of your protective rights, react as soon as possible.

Subscription to Newsletters:
Regular newsletters, including, amongst other things, the latest information on new projects of ‘Aktive Direkt Hilfe e.V.’, will be sent to you via email only with your explicit consent. You can revoke the future delivery of further emails instantly by clicking on the link at the bottom of any email. Similarly, you can revoke the future delivery of subscriptions with a direct email to us.

Retention of personal data:
Date conducive for the communication between you and the members and/or representatives of ‘Aktive Direkt Hilfe e.V.’ is stored especially for the delivery of subscribed newsletters and for target-oriented processing of requests. Personal data (especially email addresses) is stored no longer than it is necessary or until revocation on your behalf has taken place.

Information on data protection:
For us, it goes without saying that we handle the personal data of users of this website responsibly. For this purpose, we wish to inform you that there is no transfer of personal data to third parties as long as it is not required by the law or you explicitly consent to it.

The full version of the privacy policy of ‘Aktive Direkt Hilfe e. V.’ in accordance with German law is available on this website (in German).

 Our project is an enormous encouragement to the people of Mushapo and the surrounding villages, because a good education means a better future for their children.

314 students, four villages, 10 classrooms, 10 teachers


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